Finally Kick The Habit With Smoking Cessation Programs West Springfield

By Mattie Knight

There are many health benefits to quitting smoking but it seems to be hard to quit if you have been a smoker for a long time. Nicotine is very addictive and it will take something just as strong to break this addiction. There is hope with smoking cessation programs West Springfield MA.

Society has deemed smoking a hazard to not only the smokers health but those around them due to second hand smoke. There are many states catching on to the ban on lighting up in public places like restaurants and places of business and even in one's vehicle if children are present. Smoking simply is no longer tolerated by our society.

Many desire to quit this bad habit but don't know how. Addiction to cigarettes is real because of the dependence on the nicotine contained in them. It is perhaps the number one most common addiction in our world. For those who may have trouble quitting there are programs to assist in this process and make the transition easier.

There are many methods to quitting. Some have abruptly quit which is known as cold turkey which is a harsh method but for some it's effective, other therapies include group and one on one counseling, nicotine replacement therapy in the form of patches, inhalers, nasal sprays, lozenges and gum. These methods make withdrawal from cigarettes easier. There are other therapies that include prescription medication but you will have to consult with your health care professional to see if it's right for your situation.

Changing your mind about something like giving up cigarettes is a process. The decision to quit must be sound and convincing to you. You cannot do it alone and will need help with various support systems that will get you through the tough times. You may have had complaints from friends and family about the smell of smoke on your clothing or the stains on your hands and teeth. This may help you realize that they are concerned and looking out for your best interest.

Next you will have to change certain habits such as your morning routine. If the first thing you do is get a cup of coffee and light up a cigarette, change this habit to something that is healthier like having a morning workout or eating a healthy breakfast and try to abstain from the coffee as this could be a trigger to causing your craving for a cigarette.

Habits become a part of who we are but they do not have to rule us. They can be changed, it just takes a little bit of time and effort. You need to surround yourself with encouraging people who want to see you quit and will do whatever it takes to help you. This can add to your overall success rate.

It may take anywhere, from three weeks to a month before you begin to truly feel the benefits of quitting but your health will thank you in the long run. You will be able to do more things without getting short of breath and your heart and lungs will begin to get healthy again. You owe it to yourself and your family to keep healthy so you can enjoy a long life together.

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