Investigate Effective Alternative Lyme Therapies

By Sarah Harris

Lyme disease is now found in every continental American state as well as around the world. This debilitating disease was unknown until the late twentieth century, although researchers believe it has been around but unrecognized. It is a tick-borne illness that can change your life for the worse. Since existing medical tests and treatment have proved to be flawed, many people turn to alternative Lyme therapies for relief.

If tests show that a person has Lyme, (the tests often show a false negative), doctors prescribe antibiotics. As even doctors realize, antibiotics destroy the beneficial bacteria in the intestines which are essential for proper digestion, elimination, and immunity. Therefore, a good probiotic supplement is necessary to restore the flora; this may take months of supplementation.

Herbal treatments have helped many, especially those who suffer the joint pain, fatigue, and mental confusion this disease can cause. Since the pathogen is a spirocete (rather than a conventional bacteria), antibiotics are not always successful in eradicating it. Spirocetes 'hide' in tissues and organs, remaining dormant while antibiotics are in the bloodstream but emerging to attack the host when defenses are down.

Therefore, safe dosages of herbal extracts offer hope. One of the best known is a liquid (alcohol-based extract) called Samento. This is a special formula of cat's claw, in which some components have been rendered inactive so the extract will have the desired effects. There are also capsules of this herb prepared in the correct manner. Many people have found that this herb alone, without antibiotics, will halt the progression of Lyme.

Teasel, a roadside herb of the eastern part of the United States, can be bought on the internet or harvested from the roadside. Remember that traffic leaves a lot of heavy metal contamination behind, so choose plants from lightly-traveled roads or from fields. You can recognize the thistle-like plant by the pineapple-shaped flowering seed heads at the top. The roots are soaked in vodka for a DIY remedy, and you can find dosage guidelines online.

Check for dosage directions online. If you find four or more sites you feel are trustworthy that recommend similar dosages, this will probably be good advice rather than bad. All herbs are vitamin and mineral-rich plants which have nutritive effects (like parsley) and perhaps therapeutic ones (like goldenseal and echinacea). Over the ages, people in every culture have found plants that maintain and restore health.

There are other helpful therapies. Any immune system booster will help your body fight this pathogen. Monolaurin, a derivative of coconut oil, is a substance that helps rid the body of all disease-causing organisms. There are many groups and websites devoted to helping people cope with this illness and its debilitating effects.

Above all, do not ignore your body's signals of distress. You might be able to put up with stiff joints and fatigue, but research has shown that Alzheimer's and dementia can result from letting this illness go untreated. Some link all degenerative conditions, like Parkinson's, MD, and MS, to this disease, which can also be spread by fleas and mosquitoes.

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