Symptoms And How One Can Treat Lyme And Bee Venom Therapy

By Charles Anderson

Being healthy is the ultimate gift a man can ask for. A human being is bound to get sick if their immunity happens to go down or happens to get infected with a bacterial, fungal and viral disease. Most bacterial diseases are spread by contamination or vectors. Below are some different types of Lyme and bee venom therapy.

Lyme causes a skin rash that in most instances is irritating thus being quite uncomfortable. If persistent it may cause wounds due to regular scratching. To treat the rash, bee venom therapy can be used. The poison contains an antibiotic remedy that when applied on the skin helps control the itch and heals the skin.

Kidneys are very important organs in the human body. Some bacteria may attack the kidney and adrenal area. This may result to immunity disorders that may because someone have low immunity. This may cause someone to be attacked by making other secondary diseases that may prove fatal to someone health if not cause death. One can use the venom therapy from the bees by taking a shot or swallowing the already made drug from the bees. This drug then gets into the system and fights the bacteria in blood.

The Lyme causing bacteria affects also the muscles. This is characterized by joint pains and muscle aches which make it a task for someone to walk. This can be treated by giving the drug intravenously or orally using the bee poison therapy. Though the oral version of the drug may prove to be hard on the liver in the breakdown of chemicals, it also tends not to be advisable since it is less active. It is thus advisable to get an injection instead.

The Lyme also affects the brains and the cranial neural systems causing symptoms such headaches, cramps in facial and jaws. The treatment to this kind of effects through therapy is done through the neural points. It is usually referred to as the neural therapy points. They are usually over the mastoid to improve related hearing and balance problems and other symptoms.

The eyes and ears are the common sense one can virtually not live without unless taught how to sign. It is therefore important to keep them healthy. Some bacterial diseases may infect these organs by way on contact since they are usually open and exposed. To treat these conditions, one can use the venom therapy. It happens to have a lot of antibiotic regimes that have been tried and have successful eliminated the infections.

The peripheral nervous system is also one of the areas affected by the bacteria. Symptoms that the peripheral nervous system is what is affected are shooting pains and a burning sensation. The antibiotic found in the bee poison used to administer the bee poison therapy is used to fight the Lyme bacteria.

In the body, the reproductive system is a very sensitive system. Just in case there is an infection, such parts of like the bladder are most affected. They can cause sexual dysfunction and low libido. To cure this, one can use venom therapy .

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