Stockbridge GA Chiropractor Safely Alleviates Slipped Disc Pain

By Angeleah Mae Zerna

The human backbone is not a single, solid unit. It is made up of a series of vertebrae, the small hollow bones that hold the spinal cord. The vertebrae are separated by small discs filled with a gel-like substance. Their purpose is to prevent the vertebrae from impacting each other as the body moves. If one protrudes from between two vertebrae, the pressure may cause a herniation. Speaking with a Stockbridge Georgia Chiropractor can lead to the care that alleviates pain caused by that herniation.

That is because the pressure is affecting a spinal nerve. Nerves from the spinal cord transmit signals to activate all parts of the body. When one of them is compressed, the resulting pain can range from moderate to excruciating.

Consider the spine as a vertical column. It moves as the person moves. It is constructed to allow flexibility. The discs prevent the vertebrae from rubbing against each other as movement takes place. A subluxation, or misalignment, of the spine can force a part of a disc out from between two of them.

The preference for chiropractic care is attributed to peoples reluctance to take pain medication. Over the counter medicine may lead to addiction as well as prescription strength. People do not want to resort to surgical intervention, but, prefer non-invasive methods of care. Chiropractic testing is done through range of motion testing and x-rays.

Meeting with a chiropractor for the first time begins the journey to pain management. The first step is taking a medical history and discussing the details of your injury or disease. Tests include range of motion, reflexive and a measurement of strength. An x-ray may be taken.

Your slipped disc will be thoroughly assessed along with the subluxation causing it. A specially designed care plan will be recommended. Each client has specific needs. In spite of having similar injuries and severity of disc herniation, your care needs may differ from those of the other person. Factors such as age, duration of the herniated condition and general health will affect the need for pain alleviation.

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