Essential Oils For Sleep To Effectively Deal With Insomnia

By Ryan Foster

Insomnia is a condition that takes many forms, from struggling to stay asleep for sufficient time to the inability to even start sleeping in the first place. In some cases, some people are suddenly awoken from slumber when their limbs move violently. Luckily, one could use remedies like essential oils for sleep cure their insomnia.

In the quest to find cures for insomnia, lavender was discovered to possess soothing qualities. This can be attributed to its constituent alcohols and esters, which themselves possess intrinsic soothing capabilities. For the best results, you have to use pure lavender as it's reportedly more successful than nearly all other variants.

It has been proven that pouring some lavender into a foot bath helps stimulate the circulation of blood. It also signals the autonomic nervous system to begin a number of processes associated with relaxation. Alternatively, you could also place a few drops on your pillowcase or rub it around the neck/forehead. Some people also use lavender towels to massage their temples and neck to relieve stress.

Known for its sweet, relaxing herby scent, Roman chamomile is an essential oil that has several sedative and relaxing attributes. Because of its scent, it has been used widely in treating insomnia in young children. Other applications include reducing anxiety and doing away with nightmares by eliminating hysteria.

Although some claim that the oil works by psychological means, its mode of functionality has never been understood fully. For application, you could either rub some drops on your temple before sleeping or diffuse it into the air. Other uses include meditation, where Roman chamomile is reported to aid people express their true sentiments. It's however important to note chamomile is known to irritate skin; you thus need to mix it with some diluting oil prior to use.

One would be surprised to know that despite its effectiveness in relieving anxiety and stress that characterizes mild depression, bergamot oil isn't well known. One particular study focused on the result of inhaling a mixture of bergamot and water vapor. Here, it was discovered to work superbly in calming anxiety and enhancing mood. For application, you can use various techniques. You only need to avoid direct sunlight exposure when applying on skin.

Unlike food or medication, essential oils aren't regulated by government bodies. It would thus help to be cautious before buying. Ensure that the product you're considering only contains pure oil, and its tag should include the scientific name and region where it came from. It's also important to distinguish between pure oil and artificial variants usually added to perfumes and fragrances. Still, it's recommended that one tries several methods of application in order to know which yields the best results. If you have sensitive skin, ensure you dilute the product prior to use to avoid health issues.

While aromatherapy has varying degrees of success in curing sleeplessness, it may not necessarily provide a remedy if your issue stems from a different illness. As such, you need to check with your doctor in order to eliminate this possibility, especially if you've tried a few solutions with no luck. All directives issued by the manufacturer should also be followed to the letter.

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