Health Care From An Alternative Healer Portland OR

By Virginia Anderson

People today have a choice of health care. Those who want to take responsibility for their own health and learn how to prevent disease and manage pain may prefer to take a holistic approach. Finding an alternative healer Portland OR way is easy.

A clinic may offer conventional services as well as more unusual ones. There's no need to go first to the emergency room or to a doctor's office if you sprain your ankle or cut yourself, for instance. Clinics that may recommend different ways to deal with injuries can also have the capability to take x-rays or stitch you up.

People new to the more natural and less invasive methods of healing might be reassured if the clinic is run by a medical doctor. This facilitates insurance coverage, for instance. More board-certified doctors are finding the one-size-fits-all pharmaceutical approach less than satisfactory. Clinics will probably also have herbalists and massage therapists on staff, as well as acupuncturists and other practitioners.

Of course, many of the healing arts that come under the 'alternative' umbrella were practiced long before 'western' medicine was developed. Acupuncture was used in ancient China. Herbs have been valued since the days when knowledge was passed down verbally because writing had not been invented yet.

Aromatherapy has become very popular. People may not consider this a branch of medicine, but this is because they are not familiar with both the history and the recent research that validates this use of essential plant oils. In the days of the plague, a blend of oils called 'thieve's oil' was used for protection from the dreaded disease. This blend is still used today to boost immunity. People add lavender oil to their bath to relax, sniff rosemary to keep alert at work, or use a combination of calming oils to help them sleep.

Homeopathy is derided by many conventional doctors and medical organizations, but those who use this safe method of healing swear by its efficacy. Athletes take arnica after a workout or apply it topically. Moms give their toddlers ferr phos for a fever. Homeopaths are professionals trained in this field, and many other therapists incorporate homeopathic remedies in their health plans.

Massage therapists can help those who have found conventional pain relief ineffective. People with sciatica, for example, often find relief in regular massage sessions. Back pain is another thing that massage can help, offering an alternative to the constant use of pain killers. Lymph drainage massage is very helpful for the chronically ill and the elderly who may not get adequate exercise.

This is only a partial list of non-invasive therapies that can restore health. There are many diagnostic tools that healers use, as well as treatments that offer help without toxic or dangerous side effects. Holistic - or whole body - practitioners try to find the cause of illness and address it, while offering immediate relief of suffering and the symptoms of illness. Residents of Portland OR are fortunate in having a wealth of alternative health professionals near by.

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