Treatments For Neck Pain Conroe Patients Will Find Helpful

By Harold Stevens

Neck pain is a fairly common condition among both men and women. The source of this discomfort may be any of the tissues found in the cervical region including the bony structures, the muscles, ligaments and glands among others. The symptom may be acute (usually a result of trauma or infections) or chronic (mainly due to degenerative conditions or prolonged infections). There are a number of things on neck pain Conroe residents need to know if struggling with this problem.

Neck muscle strains account for a majority of the cases that are seen in most clinics. The good news is that most minor strains involving ligaments and tendons are self-limiting and typically resolve in a day or two. A number of homemade remedies to help alleviate the symptoms exist. For instance, application of cold compressions at the affected area helps reduce associated inflammation and expedites the healing process.

Hot compressions are just as effective as the cold compressions. They work by enhancing blood flow to the painful site which in turn increases the delivery of oxygen and nutrients necessary for wound healing. Using over the counter medications such as naproxen, ibuprofen and diclofenac helps to relieve the pain and to make one comfortable even as healing takes place. Massage therapy is another treatment that is always considered under this category.

If the home therapies fail to work, you need to make an effort to see a doctor. The doctor will embark on making a diagnosis by obtaining a clinical history and subjecting you to a physical examination. The history will focus on determining the exact site, the intensity and duration of symptoms. The examination incorporates the evaluation of the neck structures as well as the nervous system.

The pain is in some cases associated with a headache, visual blurriness or double vision, arm numbness, shoulder ache and so on. Many of these symptoms are the result of involvement of nerves in the head and neck region and the meninges covering the brain. In the case of ankylosing spondylitis there is accompanying low back ache as well in most of the cases. The presence of these symptoms often indicates a more serious underlying cause and should be evaluated by a doctor.

Radiographic images are some of the most important investigations that are carried out. They include plain radiographs, CT Scans and MRIs. The radiographs and the CT scan are most useful in evaluating the bony skeleton while the MRI are most suited for the soft tissues. In the case of simple strains, lesions may not be seen on these images. Other investigations will be guided by the findings on the physical examination.

The risk factors for this condition include contact sports such rugby, football and martial arts, motor sport, horse riding and poor body posture among others. Prevention is dependent on the specific situation. The general measures that may be undertaken include strengthening exercises and the use of cervical braces.

Neck pain has many causes that range from trauma to infections to degenerative conditions. Symptoms vary in patterns and severity. While most cases can be managed easily at home, others are more serious and require evaluation by a specialist. Many cases can be prevented by taking precautionary measures particularly for those that are involved in contact sports.

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